LESSINES (BE) – A bicycle journey in the world of street theater
10th Edition – Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of Septembre 2022
We are preparing the program…
Discover the photos of the previous edition on our Facebook (like our page), on instagram (#rallyedelapetitereine) or with the slideshow below. You can also look at the festival archives since 2011 (presented in French on this website).
A Centre Culturel René Magritte organization supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (‘Arts forains, du cirque et de la rue’) – the Province of Hainaut (Supracommunalité’ Val de Dendre’) – Wallonia Mobility – the town of Lessines
See you at the next Rallye de la Petite Reine on the 10th and 11th of September 2022
A tour of 25 km in order to discover a selection of street theater shows. Saturday or Sunday. At each location a show is selected from the best of national and international sensations in circus and streettheater. You can attend the Rallye de la Petite Reine* with a bicycle or you can join on our bus or our little train. A travel along the riverside or deep in the countryside, with shows in symbolic places such as the Hospital Notre-Dame à la Rose from the 13th century or the old electric station in Deux-Acren. A entire day through the spirit of our town where the famous painter René Magritte was born… such as the Claudy Criquielion, world champion cyclist.
* The name ‘Petite Reine’ is in French a metaphor for bicycle…